23 March 2011

A day in Chicago..

Since I'm meeting Paul in Chicago, and I've never been there, I decided to spend the day exploring the city. I took a red eye in the night before our flight to India, and Paul's friend that works at a hotel in downtown Chicago hooked me up with a room where I could freshen up in and a place to store my luggage for the day, which was awesome, considering the fact that I would be in Chicago for 14 hours before getting on a 14 hour flight to India.

After showering, I met up George for breakfast and he pointed out sights on a map that I should check out. He recommended a place that I could rent a bicycle downtown, which I decided to do instead of taking a city tour. It was freezing in the morning (in the low 40s which is freezing for me) but it got a little warmer later in the day and just rained a little bit. The streets were practically deserted but I spent the day walking around Navy Pier and downtown and then explored another part of the city by bike. Riding around on bike was a great way to see the city, so glad I did it!

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