21 February 2011

Polio, Malaria, and Rabies...oh my.

Karin and I leave in 30 days for our trip to India and Japan! Though excited, I have to admit, I am not looking forward to my appointment with the travel nurse this week. I'll be getting vaccines for polio, typhoid, tetanus, rabies, possibly yellow fever, and of course, a prescription of malaria pills, which I have to take once a week until departure, everyday while in India, and everyday for 4 weeks upon the return. The mosquitos love me and so I plan to take more than the required dosage! Ok, maybe not.

1 comment:

  1. My arm hurts. Avoided yellow fever shots because I'm not going any risk areas and as for the rabbies shots, avoided those to. I have to be bitten first before I get the shot. You think the Kaiser nurse would have known that!


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