17 March 2011

Change of plans...

In light of the recent events taking place in Japan, we've made the tough decision to cancel the Tokyo portion (the namesake of half of our blog's title!!) of the trip now instead of waiting to see what happens and maybe have to scramble to find a way home while in India. Luckily, the airlines were willing to reinstate our airline miles for the flights when we cancelled those segments, but that also meant that we wouldn't actually have a flight out of India or back to the States anymore. The adventure travelers that we are, Paul and I decided to book a flight home via any city where there were available reward seats to that required the fewest miles to book. So that brings us to Hong Kong. (Of course, we still don't have flights back the States from Hong Kong booked yet- trying to get reward seats last minute is never a great idea..)

I will say that Hong Kong may not have been my first choice, but now that I've done some research on the city, I know that we're gonna love it!

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